January 16


Image from Unsplash

Homework. Piles and piles of it lay on my desk after school when I should be doing something fun like, playing basketball or stuffing my face with delicious food, BUT NO! I’m just told to sit at my desk and solve math equations. Not that I don’t like math, it’s just that I would rather be having a milkshake than doing work.

Honestly, what’s the point of homework? (besides making you smarter.) I think that everyone would get along great in this world without it or at least I would. I do have to admit, there are some kinds of homework that I like. For instance, I do like Language Arts homework. That’s mainly because I love reading. History homework is okay. There’s just so much to learn. 

It never ends. It just goes on, and on, AND ON! Just when you think you’ve learned everything, there is always something else. It’s just like when you’re shopping on the internet, you’re about to exit the tab, and there’s an ad that says, We’ve noticed that you are into this. Why don’t you take a look at that? What I’m trying to say is that homework should be optional or at least we could vote on it. WHERE IS THE DEMOCRACY IN THIS WORLD!